Partner Carry?

Great job to all the CFDers who’ve taken on CF Open Workout 13.2 so far! 

You have until 8pm tonight to get your scores recorded online!

WOD for Sunday 031713 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts):
3 Rounds of CF Warmup – 10 pass throughs, 10 OHS, 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 pullups

Make up any missed strength segment from the past week

In teams of two, trade off rounds for 20 mins:
8 KB Thruster- Right
Overhead Carry 20m – Right
8 KB Thrusters – Left
Overhead Carry 20m – Left
(As heavy as possible w/ unbroken Thrusters+Carry)

Post Strength Workout and Team Workout Rounds Completed to Comments
For the strength segment, you have 25 minutes to make up a strength segment that you missed from this previous week. 

For the conditioning workout, work with a partner and alternate rounds for 20 minutes.  Use the same load for all thrusters and carries.  20m is approximately 10 mat lengths.  The KB should be lowered to the rack position (on your forearm) and pressed out overhead during each thruster.  

For the overhead carry, you can use your partner if you wish (or a skinny Asian man)

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