Power Hung

FREE Gymnastics Seminar for all CFD Athletes!

Saturday, September 29th – Register here

WOD for Tuesday 091812Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Back Squat
12 sets of 2 reps @65%
For Time:
9 Hang Power Cleans (185/105)
10 Ball Slams (30/20)
6 Hang Power Cleans
15 Ball Slams
3 Hang Power Cleans
20 Ball Slams

Back Extensions
3 sets of 10 reps (weighted if necessary)

Post Back Squat Loads and Workout Time to Comments
The goal is to move the weight as quickly as possible for each attempt.  There should be no “grinding” of any reps.  If you cannot perform all of your reps at this speed then you need to use a lighter load…regardless of whether you’re at 65% or not.  If you’ve done these several times already, consider squatting to one of the 12? boxes for a brief pause at the bottom.  See video below.

For the conditioning workout, the HPC load should be heavy, about 80% 1RM.  You don’t have to be able to complete all reps unbroken each round.  Take each rep from any hang position you’re comfortable with.

For the finisher, complete 3 sets of 10 Back Extensions on the GHD.  Add weight across your chest if you’d like.

400lb Hang Power Clean – not the prettiest, but damn

We’re hosting a fundraiser for the APS of Durham on Sunday, September 30th.

Check out the details here

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