Monday |
Deadlift, build to a heavy single, take 70% and do 4 x 5 |
Anderson Back Squat, 4 x 6-10 (heavy) |
Single Leg KB Deadlift 4 x 6-10/leg |
SS: 1) Reverse Hyper 3 x 8-12 |
2) Band Pull-Through 3 x 20-25 |
Tabata Reverse Crunches |
Tuesday |
Strict Press (band assisted) find heavy single |
Pendlay Row, 3 x 6-10 heavy |
DB Floor Press 4 x 10-12 (301) |
DB chest fly 3 x10-12 |
Strict Dips, 3 x AMRAP, rest >60 secs b/w sets |
Thursday |
Banded Deadlifts 8 x 3 @50% Fast |
SS: 1)Banded Russian KB swing 4 x 8-12 |
2) Goblet Squats 4 x 8-12 |
Banded Calf raise 3 x 25 |
Weighted Sit-ups 3 x 15 |
Banded Face Pulls x 100 |
Friday |
Banded Bench Press 8 x 3 @50% |
Supinated Pull-up Negatives 5 x 5 (301) |
Tabata See-Saw Press |
Tabata Push-ups |
Zottman Curls 4 x 8-12 |
Cuban Press 3 x 8-12 |