Sunday marked the end of our most recent programming update six weeks ago and a new cycle begins today. The Coaches have made a few adjustments for the upcoming 6 weeks, but for the most part things will remain the same, particularly with the skill and strength work.
A couple notes:
– We have lowered the overall volume of heavy lifting in the skill segments and the strength template to make sure we are giving everyone enough time to get their heavy lifts in without feeling rushed.
– We will be adding some additional elements to the skill sessions. These will appear primarily in the form of, “if you can do this, then do this for your skill work.” No one should be discouraged by working on the “basics”. We do these regularly in search of virtuosity. Read Coach Glassman here on Virtuosity.
– Everyone has been doing a better job of warming up prior to the start of class. Please continue this, as we hope to begin including more things in our hour with you each day and can only do so if we don’t have to spend time warming everyone up.
– We have added twice weekly Mobility sessions as of last week. These meet for 30 minutes on Wednesday at 5:30pm and Saturday at 10:00am. If they are well attended, we intend to add more of these.
– Now that the CF Open is over, we will be back on a schedule where Saturday workouts include a 25-30 minute make up lifting session. We expect few instances of athletes training 6 days a week, and certainly fewer of those training 7. Use this time to hit the lifting session you missed and you will stay on track with the overall template.
– Also, since the Open is now over, please do not expect to come to the gym at any time you wish to do your own thing, particularly in the weekday evenings from 5-8pm. All priority goes to the scheduled classes and athletes. If you need to deviate from the day’s programming for some reason, you need to discuss with the Coach onsite.
Click here to view the next 6 week template of our upcoming skill and strength cycle. We hope that by posting, we can help some of you with planning your training days in advance.
If you have questions, please post them here so everyone can be part of the discussion!