Pullin and Snatchin

FREE Nutrition Q&A – Saturday, October 13th at noon 

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WOD for Tuesday 100212Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Snatch Pulls – 100% 1RM                    
Snatch – 80% 1RM                   
Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes:
3 Hang Power Cleans (70% 1RM)

Banded Good Mornings
100 Reps

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For the strength segment, first perform 5 sets of double rep Snatch pulls from the floor.  These should be heavy…like your 1RM Snatch weight.  You are only pulling the bar off the floor with your hips, not your arms, and do not need to pull under the bar.  Once you’ve completed these sets, lower the load to 80% 1RM and perform 8-10 reps of a full Snatch.  This is more for technique than for PRs.  In fact, you should not be missing many reps due to heavy load.  Work technique from the floor and receive the bar in a full overhead squat and “grease the groove.”  Rest roughly 1 minute between attempts.  If you do happen to get a PR, make sure you post it on the PR Board!

For the conditioning workout, set the bar to around 70% 1RM of your hang power clean.  Perform three solid reps on the minute for 8 minutes.  Quick math tells you this is a total of 24 reps.  Don’t be afraid to get heavy and don’t forget that a power clean can be received anywhere above parallel…you can squat a little.  Get under that bar!

For the finisher, wrap one end of a blue or green band around the bottom of the pullup rig and the other around your shoulders to perform a total of 100 banded good mornings. 

Koklov Snatch Pull!

This is the rough design for our new hoodies!  You can reserve yours before October 12th on the sign up sheet at the gym.  There are three different styles and many different colors available.