Fight Gone Bad 6 is coming on 9/17! Sign up here
WOD for Friday 090911 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
80m Shuttle Run (20m x 4)
Max Rep Plyo Pushups
Post Deadlifts Loads and Metcon Rounds and Pushup Reps To Comments
For the strength segment, perform 5 sets of 3 rep Deadlifts working as heavy as possible. Lower all reps to the floor.
For the conditioning workout, the Push Press load should be appropriate for everybody. Take the bar off the floor.
Strongman, Mark Clegg, Deadlift Workout
We will participating in Fight Gone Bad 6 on September 17th to benefit the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. The gym will be closed that day except to those who have signed up to particpate! Join our team here