Russian Bear

CFD is going to see the Durham Bulls Game on Saturday, August 24th, 7:05pm!

If you’d like to come along, tickets are $16. Email

WOD for Saturday 071313 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule

Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts): 3 Rounds of CF Warmup – 10 pass throughs, 10 OHS, 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 pullups

Make up any missed strength segment from the past week

Bear Complex
5 rounds of 7 reps each:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press

(Rest 1:1)
Starting Weight is 50% 1RM Press.
Add weight each round.
20 Burpee penalty for putting down barbell during round. Penalty assessed at the end of the WOD.

Post Strength Work and Workout Loads Used to Comments
For the strength segment, you have 25 minutes to make up a strength segment that you missed from this previous week

For the conditioning workout, the rest between rounds should be the same length as the round itself.  Begin the first round using 50% of your Press 1RM and add roughly 10% to that load each round if you can.  The burpee penalty is 20 reps each time you have to put the bar down in each round.  You may put the bar down between rounds with no penalty.  Perform all penalty burpees at the end of the workout.

MOBILITY WORKOUT today at 10am!

COMMUNITY WORKOUT today at 11am!  First timers welcome!  Bring your friends!

OPEN GYM today from 11am-1:30pm! 

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