Shuttle Countdown

The Iron Samurai is coming to CFD on June 30th! 

You shouldn’t miss this! Click here

WOD for Tuesday 061912Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Muscle Ups
2-3 reps on the minute for 12 minutes
4 Rounds For Time:
12 KB Swings (70/52)
8 Pullups
Sand Bag Shuttle Run (10/15/20m)

*For shuttle, sprint 10ms with sandbag and back to the line. Sprint 15m with sandbag and back to the line. Drop the sand bag and sprint 20m and then back through the line. 

Post Workout Time To Comments
For the skill segment practice your muscle ups.  Perform 2-3 (or more) every minute for 12 minutes.  Use banded or jumping muscle ups as necessary OR perform 3-5 pullups on the minute for 12 minutes.

For the conditioning workout, use a heavy KB and perform Russian Swings.  For the sandbag shuttle run, carry the bag across your shoulders.  First sprint 10m out and back, then 15m out and back.  Drop the bag and sprint 20m out and back.  Then on to the next round.

Strict Muscle Ups with Carl Paoli

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