Sit On It

WOD for Wednesday 041713 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts):
3 Rounds of Burgener Warmup – – (see video)

1 minute of Single Unders
30 seconds of Singles – right
30 seconds of Singles – left
4 minutes of Tabata Double Unders (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)

4 singles @65%
4 singles @70%
4 singles @75% 1RM

Part A: Row 1k
Part B: 50 Toes To Bar
Part C: 200 Double Unders

Time Cap= 12 minutes

Post Snatch Loads and Workout Time to Comments
Complete the Burgener Warmup for 3 rounds BEFORE class begins.  During the skill segment, perform 1 minute of single unders, 30 seconds of single unders on each leg, and then 4 minutes of Tabata Double Unders.  This is practice time, so there is no sub for DUs. 

For the strength segment, follow the warmup progression and then complete 4 Snatch singles at 75% 1RM.  Rest 3-4 minutes between attempts.  You’re working at the lower end of your capacity, so this is not the day to be going for 1RMs.  That said, since these are light, try hanging out in the bottom of your receiving position (OHS) for a couple of seconds to settle in before standing to full extension.

The conditioning workout has three parts and you can choose to do them in any order you wish.  There is no rest between parts, however.  Sub knees to elbows for T2B.  Sub for DUs is parallette jumps.  If you’re close to regularly consistent DUs, you should count attempts too.  Time cap is 12 minutes.

Side by side Snatch comparison at 155kg