Slammin’ Good Time

2013 Paleo Challenge Starts Monday! 

You have NO EXCUSE not to participate…NONE!

Click here for rules and details

WOD for Friday 021513 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Push Press
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
30 Overhead Walking Lunge (45/35)
10 Ball Slams (30/20)

Post Push Press Loads and Workout Rounds to Comments
For the strength segment, after a basic warmup and mobility, perform 5 sets of 2 rep Push Presses (not Jerks) at the following percentages – 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, and 85%. These should be fairly heavy by the end, but you do not be working to max effort and you definitely shouldn’t miss any attempts.  Rest 2-3 minutes, at least, between sets. 

For the conditioning workout, go heavier on Ball Slams (35 or even 40lb’ers) for RX+.  Use a bumper plate, or even a Sandbag, for your overhead load.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

Overhead Walking Lunges

Running and Endurance Seminar with Coach Paul on March 16th!

Click here

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