Smooth And Steady

CFD is going to see the Durham Bulls on May 19th!  

Hope you can join us. Click here for more info

WOD for Tuesday 040312Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Turkish Get Up
For Time:
10 Muscle Ups
10 Snatch (95/65)
8 Muscle Ups
8 Snatch
6 Muscle Ups
6 Snatch
4 Muscle Ups
4 Snatch
2 Muscle Ups
2 Snatch

50 GHD Back Extensions

Post TGU Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, perform 1 rep on each arm and work up to the heaviest TGU you can get for the day.  Do not be sloppy with your form and remember that a TGU doesn’t end when you’ve stood up.  You must return safely to your back on the ground.

For the conditioning workout, sub jumping MUs or band MUs as necessary.  The Snatches should be received in a full overhead squat and stood to full knee and hip extension before starting the next rep.  After you’ve caught your breath from the workout, perform 50 strict GHD Back Extensions.  You can add weight if you choose and do not have to do all 50 reps straight through.

Poetry In Motion – Annie T