Snatch Tested, Mother Approved

Goal Setting and Programming Seminar on Saturday!

Click here

WOD for Monday 021113 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Clean Pulls – 100%                     
Clean – 80%                        
In 5 minutes, perform as many reps as possible:
KB Snatch (52/35)

Post Clean Loads and KB Snatches Completed to Comments
For the strength segment, first perform 5 sets of double rep Clean Pulls.  Use 100% of your Clean 1RM for these.  Once you’ve completed these sets, set the load to around 80% of your 1RM Clean and perform 8 reps of a full squat Clean taking the bar from the floor each rep…unless your Coach tells you to take it from the hip or knee. These are for technique, rather than for PRs.  In fact, you should not be missing many reps due to heavy load.  Rest roughly 1 minute between attempts. 

For the conditioning workout, you have 5 minutes to complete as many KB Snatches as possible.  You may switch hands as often as you like and can also set the KB on the floor if needed.  If you are capable of using the RX load for even a few reps with good technique, try using it the whole time.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!  Bring a stop watch!

KB Snatch Test at 9 Months Pregnant!