Snatched Out

Join us for our Annual Holiday Party Saturday Night!

Details and RSVP here

WOD for Friday 120712 Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Overhead Squat – 70% 1RM                       
Hang Snatch
8-10 singles
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
4 Power Snatch (95/65)
12 Box Jumps (24/20)

Post OHS and Hang Snatch Loads and Rounds Completed to Comments
For the strength segment, first perform 5 sets of double rep Overhead Squats at 70% of your Snatch 1RM.  These should be fairly light.  Once you’ve completed these sets, change the load to around 80% of your Snatch 1RM and perform 8-10 reps of a Snatch from a hang position.  These are for technique, rather than for PRs.  In fact, you should not be missing many reps due to heavy load.  Rest roughly 1-2 minutes between attempts. 

For the conditioning workout, take the power snatch from the floor each rep.  Scale HSPUs as necessary.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!  Bring your stopwatch!

Snatch from blocks workout