Stupid Jerk

Thursday, May 6th!  Only a few spots left!

We’re giving you ONE MONTH FREE when you
refer a friend to one of our Foundations Classes!

WOD for Sunday 042510 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule 
5 reps @ 55% 1RM
5 reps @ 65% 1RM
5 reps @ 70% 1RM
5 reps @ 80% 1RM
5 reps @ 85% 1RM

3 Rounds For Time:
21 Med Ball Cleans (20/12)
15 Pullups
9 Push Press (95/65)

Post Loads and Time to Comments
All %’s for the strength segment of the workout should be based on your 1RM for the lift and are meant to serve as a guide in your training.  You should generally not be failing on any set except maybe your last one of the day.  If you’re unsure about your technique or ability to perform a given set safely at the posted %, then use common sense and good judgement.  When in doubt, live to lift again another day.  

For the Metcon, med ball cleans should be performed started on the floor with the ball received in a full front squat.  You must complete the movement by standing to full hip and knee extension before dropping for the next rep.  For the Push Press, consider using a load of  50% 1RM to ensure proper movement execution and to maximize power output and intensity.      

OPEN GYM today from 10-11am!  Time to makeup missed WODs, tackle a Benchmark, or work on your lifts! 

Whole9 Nutrition Workshop — Thursday, May 6th — 6 spots left!

Upcoming FOUNDATIONS Classes
Starting May 11th (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Starting June 1st (Tues/Thurs @7pm)

Serious Kettlebell work!

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