Tabata This Stuff

Thursday, May 6th!  Only a few spots left!

We’re giving you ONE MONTH FREE when you
refer a friend to one of our upcoming Foundations Classes!

WOD for Sunday 050210 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule 
Tabata Intervals
Tabata Row (for calories)
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squats
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pullups
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pushups

Post Number of Reps to Comments
Tabata intervals are 4 minutes long, a total of 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.     

OPEN GYM today from 10-11am!  Make up missed WOD’s, Benchmarks, or work on lifts and skills!

Whole9 Nutrition Workshop — Thursday, May 6th

Upcoming FOUNDATIONS Classes
Starting May 11th (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Starting June 1st (Tues/Thurs @7pm)

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