Team Effort

We have about 5 WOD for Warriors t-shirts left for $20 cash!

WOD for Sunday 111311Click Here For Today’s Schedule
In Teams of 3 For Time:
Row 1500m
150 Double Unders
100 Kettlebell Swings – American (52/35)
150 Double Unders
100 Overhead Squats (95/65)
150 Double Unders
100 Burpees (jump to a height 6″ above reach)
150 Double Unders
Row 1500m

Post Workout Time to Comments
Perform today’s workout in teams of 3.  You may split up the work in any way you choose.  Only one team member working at a time.  You must complete each task in order and each team member must perform some reps of each movement. 

Painting – done!  Wall demo – done!  Wall framing – done! New Pullup Rig – done!  Still need to organize the space, hang new posters and banners, install artificial turf surface in new space (cool!), put up whiteboards and PR boards, install new stereo system.  Thanks for your patience as we get everything done over the next couple of weeks!