Time To Test Your Snatch

The 2012 Look Better Naked Challenge starts Sunday!

Squat Clinic with Coach Stew – Sunday, 12-2pm!

WOD for Friday 011312Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Double Unders
Handstand Pushups
KB Snatch (52/35)
AMRAP in 10 minutes
Switch hands as many times as necessary

Post KB Snatch Load and Reps to Comments
For the skill segment, you will be practicing Double Unders and Handstand Pushups (on and away from the wall).

For the conditioning workout, pick a KB load you can handle and do as many snatches as you can in 10 minutes.  You can switch hands and put the KB down as many times as you choose.

Jon Gilson from Again Faster on Choosing a Good Rope for Double Unders

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