Toes In The Water

The gym will be open on Thanksgiving Day for a team WOD at 9am!
There will be WODs on Friday at 10 and 11am only!

WOD for Tuesday 112310 — – Click Here For Today’s Schedule 

5 Rounds For Time:
5 Deadlifts (75% 1RM)
10 Toes To Bar

Post Snatch Loads and Metcon Time to Comments
For the strength segment, you will do 15 Snatches.  Progressively add weight up to a comfortable “working” weight.  You should not really miss anymore than 3-4 attempts.  Use good sense and judgement for all lifts.  When in doubt, live to lift again another day.  Snatch should be received in a full overhead squat.    

For the Metcon, use the Deadlift % to maximize power output and intensity.        

We’re starting to plan our special events/seminars for 2011.  What/who would you like to see?  Post answer to comments

Upcoming Foundations CourseFINAL CLASS OF 2010!
Starting Thursday, December 2nd (Tues/Thurs 7pm)

Upcoming Events
Strength & Conditioning Gymnastics Certification – Sat/Sun, December 4/5
Carolina Fitness Challenge – Sat, December 11
Strength & Conditioning Rowing Foundations Certification – Saturday, January 15
Intra-Gym Challenge – January 2011

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