Join us for a special WOD, “Helen Meets Grace” on Saturday, November 15th during our 9 and 10am classes to support the cause! Everyone is welcome to WOD that day, but we hope you will also consider donating or starting your own fundraising page to support this worthy cause. You can do that here
Strength (before Skill today):
Bench Press
5 reps at 55 %
3 reps at 65 %
3 reps at 75 %
2 reps at 85 %
2 reps at 85 %
2 reps at 85 %
EMOM for 6 minutes:
3-5 strict pullups
Add load if possible
Scale as follows:
Barbell inverted rows →
Ring rows →
Barbell/ring rows with weighted vest/chains →
Single-arm ring rows →
AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 Toes to Bar
10 Deadlift (225/185)
10 Air Squat