Turkey Domination

THANK YOU to everyone who donated to purchase Thanksgiving Turkeys for the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC!  We raised over $1700, purchased 130 turkeys, and will help feed over 1700 people this Thanksgiving!


Turkish Get Ups
EMOM 10 minutes:
1 rep on either side as heavy as possible to maintain all 10 minutes with no failed reps

Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 reps at 50 %
3 reps at 60 %
3 reps at 70 %
3 reps at 80 %
3 reps at 80 %
3 reps at 80 %

3 Rounds For Time:
60 Double Unders [or 100 singles]
30 Unbroken Wall Balls {20/14) [5 burpees at every break]
15 Deadlifts [245/155]

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