Turkey Drive 2015

food bank

Can you imagine Thanksgiving without a turkey?  Neither can we!

From now through Sunday, November 22nd, we will be collecting donations to purchase Thanksgiving Turkeys to be provided to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC.  Last year, we collected over $1600 and donated over 1700lbs of turkeys to help folks around the Triangle.  

There are two ways you can donate!  
– Drop cash in the designated box at the gym

–  Use this “friends & family” Paypal link if you have a PayPal account

If you’d like to drop off food for donation (items needed), we’ll be happy to see that delivered as well.  

We’ll be delivering our turkeys to the Food Bank on Monday, November 23rd.  If you’re interested in helping with the delivery, please let us know!

turkey give away

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