Veed Up

Check out these upcoming FREE Gymnastics Workshops at CFD with Coach Allison! 

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WOD for Monday 012113Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Establish 1RM
Complete 4 Rounds:
1 Minute Max Reps KB Snatch – right (52/35)
1 Minute Max Reps KB Snatch – left
1 Minute of L-Sit Isometric Hold
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Post Deadlift Loads and Workout Snatch Reps Completed to Comments
For the strength segment, after a thorough warmup take 20 minutes or so to establish a 1RM Deadlift for the day.  It’s ok to leave a little in the tank for the next time.  Put your PRs on the board and get that cowbell ringing!

For the conditioning workout, there is no rest between movements, but there is a one minute rest at the end of each round.  Total WOD time is 14 minutes.  For the L-Sit, you can modify to a V-sit as well (keep shoulders and feet up off the ground) and the time is time elapsed on the clock, not actually in the hold. 

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

Master the KB Snatch

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