Welcome Living Social Voucher Holders!
We can’t wait to meet you!
Please remember that all 4 classes are by appointment only!
Email [email protected] or call (571) 224-3706 to schedule your workouts.
WOD for Thursday 033111 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Press (Week 1 of new cycle)
Warmup: Perform 5 reps @40% and 50%, 3 reps @60% “working 1RM”
Work Sets: Perform 5 reps @65%, 75%, max reps @85%
4 Rounds For Time:
5 DB Cleans (35/25)
10 KTE
15 Pullups
Post Press Loads and Metcon Time to Comments
For the strength segment, we are starting a new 4 week cycle of the Wendler 5-3-1 Program (more details here). “Working 1RM” is defined as 90% of your current 1RM. If you are not sure of your current 1RM talk to your Coaches and they’ll help you determine it. If you completed the previous 4 week cycle your working 1RM for this cycle should be set 5lbs heavier for the Press and Bench and 10lbs heavier for the Squat and Deadlift. Note: 1st work set is 5 reps, 2nd is 3 reps, and final work set is for “max reps”. However, you should not be going to absolute failure on this last set.
For the Metcon, the Deadlift load is fairly light on purpose (remember, we’re in a deload week on Wendler, AND your core should be smoked from the gymnastics segment). You can certainly scale up, but keep it to a load you can do unbroken throughout the ten minutes.
ENDURANCE WOD tonight at 6pm! Bring a stopwatch or interval timer!
Upcoming Foundations Courses
Starting April 26th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Starting May 31st – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Upcoming Events
FREE Bailing Class — Sat, April 9th
USA Weightlifting Referee Clinic — Sat, April 30th
Fifth Ape Natural Movement and Parkour Seminar — Saturday, May 14th
Bull City Barbell Open — Sat, May 21st
Got a pic of you visiting another CF Affiliate or doing something CF-related on a vacation? Send it to me and we’ll post it on the blog! [email protected]