WOD for Tuesday 032613 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts):
3 Rounds of CF Warmup – 10 pass throughs, 10 OHS, 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 pullups
5 reps @45%
5 reps @55%
3 reps @65%
5 sets of 4 reps @75%
5 sets @70% of your 1 set max (ie, if your max set is 10 reps, you’ll do 5 sets of 6 reps)
Buy in – Row 500m
5 Rounds:
10 Pistols (5 each leg)
10 KB Snatch – 5 each arm (52/35)
10 Ring Rows
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
Time cap: 16 minutes
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For the strength segment, follow the warmup progression and then complete 5 sets of 4 reps at 75% 1RM. Rest no more than 2 minutes between these work sets. The entire strength segment shouldn’t take longer than and then take 2-3 attempts at a 1RM. Failing is ok, but know your capacity and don’t be stupid.
For the skill work, which follows the strength segment today, perform 5 sets of Ring Dips. Determine the number of reps for each round by taking 60% of your 1 set max. Rest two minutes between sets. Follow this progression scale if you don’t have Ring Dips: Pushups, Ring Pushups, Bar Dips, Ring Dips.
The conditioning workout has a time cap of 16 minutes. We will stagger the start so that everyone can do the 500m Row to begin the workout. Perform your burpees directly under a pullup bar that is roughly 6″ above your standing outstretched arm. At the jump of each burpee, grab the bar and perform a one toes to bar rep. Scale to knees to elbows or knees as high as you can.
502lb Olympic “Press”