WOD for 010218

Muscle Ups
-Advanced: 3×10 Strict Pull-ups
-Intermediate: 3×10 Banded chin-ups
-Beginner: 3×10 Jumping Eccentric chin-up (Break up as few sets as possible)

-Advanced: 3×12 Slider Push-ups from toes
-Intermediate: 3×12 Perfect Push-ups
-Beginner: 3×12 Push-ups from box or knees
-All levels: 3×5 low ring transition (feet under rings/false grip)

Floor Press
*Work up to a “Heavy 3 for the day”
Then have 3 other working sets within 10% of your heavy 3.

Every 5-minutes for 3 Rounds
6 Deadlifts (L1: 275/185 L2: 185/135 L3: 135/95 L4: 10 KB DL)
2 Ring Muscle ups (L2: 4 CTB or 8 Kipping PUs L3: 8 Kipping or assisted PUs L4: 8 Ring Rows)
4 Handstand Pushups (L2: Hand release pushups L3: Pushups L4: Scale pushups as needed)
8 KB Swings (L1: 70/52 L2: 52/35 L3: 35/25 L4: 25/15)
2 Ring Muscle ups
4 Handstand Pushups
8 KB Swings

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