WOD for 010318

Auxillary Core Work:
2 Rounds:
Single Leg Glute Bridge (10) (Right and Left)
Deadbug :30 seconds
Plyo Skiers (Stack 2 45lb plates) :30 seconds

Skill: Squat Snatch
Pulling under the snatch
Stabilizing in bottom position before standing

12-minutes EMOM
Min-1: 2 reps at 65%
Min-2: 2 reps at 70%
Min-3: 2 reps at 75%
*Reset to min-1 percentage at 4th-min and so on..
*Doesn’t have to be touch and go

For Time:
15 Squat Snatches (L1: 135/95 L2: 95/65 L3: 65/45)
12 Squat Snatches (L1: 155/105 L2: 105/75 L3: 75/55)
9 Squat Snatches (L1: 185/135 L2: 115/85 L3: 95/65)
6 Squat Snatches (L1: 205/145 L2: 135/95 L3: 105/75)
3 Squat Snatches (L1: 225/155 L2: 155/105 L3: 115/85)
** 15 Situps between rounds

L4: 30-24-18-12-6 Dumbbell Snatch (total), 15 Situps

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