WOD for 010418

Double Unders

Push Press
*Work up to a “Heavy 5 for the day”
then have 4 other working sets within 10% of your heavy 3

12 minutes for total reps:
1-min of Box Jumps (L1: 24/20 L2: 24/20 L3: Step Ups L4: 20/16 Step ups)
1-min of Wall Balls (L1: 30/20 L2: 20/14 L3: 14/10 L4: 12/6)
1-min of Double Unders (L1/L2: Rx L3: attempts L4: Singles)
2-of Box Jumps
2-mins of Wall balls
2-mins of Double Unders
1-min of Box Jumps
1-min of Wall Balls
1-min of Double Unders

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