WOD for 010618

In Teams of 3
Trading Minutes for 15-minutes
Rotating Through: 2 People working, 1 person resting (Follow the rotation: 1-2-3)

Person 1: Max Rounds of Cindy
Person 2: Hang Power Snatch
Person 3: Rest
*Score= Total Rounds of Cindy (+) Hang Power Snatches

L1: 95/65, Cindy (5 CTB Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air-squats)
L2: 75/55, Cindy (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air-squats)
L3: 65/45, Cindy (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air-squats)
L4: DB Snatch, Cindy (5 Ring Rows, 10 Push-ups off a box, 15 Air-Squats)

Rest 3 minutes

12 rounds (4 rounds/person) With a 12-min Time Cap

*Conga line or Follow the leader style: Form a line-up (1,2,3). Person 2 cannot do movement 1 until person 1 is done with the first movement. Rest if the person in front of you isn’t done with movement.

*1 round= 9-6-3
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs
6 D-ball/sandbag over the shoulder or Slamballs (12)
3 Deadlift

L1: 24”/20”, 150/100lb Dball, or 12 Slamballs (50/35) 315/225lb DL
L2: 24”/20” 120/100lb Dball or 12 Slamballs (35/25) , 225/155lb DL
L3: 24”/20” Step-overs, 80/50lb Dball or 12 Slamballs (25/20), 155/105lb DL
L4: 20”/17” Step-overs, 12 slam balls (20/15), KB DL (Heavy)

Rest 3 minutes

Then, Within 6 minutes
100 calorie Row
Remaining time, Max rep Overhead Squats
Score= OHS within the remaining time

Attack the row then in the remaining time 1 person can OHS at a time
L1: 155/105
L2: 95/65
L3: 75/55
L4: Goblet Squats

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