WOD for 010919


WOD for 010919

Skill: 6-min TABATA— Plank
Right Side
Left Side

Strength: Floor Press
3 x 10 @ 60-70%


Strict Pull-Ups/Banded Strict
3 x Challenging Set

*Pick a number that is challenging, keep it the same across the 3 sets.

Metcon: Against 12-mins…3 Rounds For Time
250m Row
15 Wall Balls
3 Over The Shoulders (Sandbag/D-Ball)
15 Wall Balls
3 Over The Shoulders (Sandbag/D-Ball)

L1: 300m, 20/14, 120/100
L2: 250m, 20/14, 100/80
L3: 250m, 14/10, 80/60
L4: 150m, 10/6, 40/30 Slam-ball