WOD for 011718

Muscle-up Program: Week 3 Day 1
1.) Advanced: 3×10 strict ring row with the body parallel to the floor
2.) Intermediate: 3×10 Strict Ring row with body at 45 degrees
3.) Beginner: 3×10 Strict ring row with body at more than 45 degrees

1.) Advanced: 3×15 Dip with two boxes
2.) Intermediate: 3×20 bench dip feet elevated on bench
3.) Beginner: 3×20 Bench dip wit feel on the floor

1.) All Levels: 3×5 Low Ring Transition while maintaining FALSE grip and FEET under the rings

Floor Press
Every 2-mins for 5 rounds
**3 reps @ 70-75%

With a Running Clock… 5-Min AMRAP
5 DB Push Press (R)
5 DB Push Press (L)
10 Pullups

Within 3-mins
100 Double-Unders
Remaining Time: DB Snatch

Within 1-minute:
Wall Balls
**0:00-5:00,5:00-8:00, 8:00-9:00

L1: 50/35, CTB, 150 DUs, 30/20
L2: 35/20, 100 DUs, 20/14
L3: 20/15, 75 DUs (1/2 Singles (+) 1/2 DUs), 14/12
L4: 15/12, 75 Singles, 12/10

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