WOD for 012119

Skill: Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

Strength: Shoulder Pump with Abs! 

(5) Rounds: 

3 Push Jerks (AHAP; From the Rig) 

0:30 D-Ball Hug to Chest 

10 Russian Twists w/DB (#35/20 is a suggestion, pick a weight for Unbroken challenging 10)

(90-sec) Rest b/w Rounds…

**Push Jerk: Weights can climb, or kept the same. Should be a challenging 3**


10-min AMRAP 

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDLHP)

15 HSPU 

15/12 Cal. Row 

10 Ring Dips 

L1: 95/65, Kipping Ring Dips, Regular HSPU

L2: 75/55, Kipping Ring Dips, Regular HSPU 

L3: 65/45, Dips off a Box or paralette, DB Push Press instd. of HSPU (#20/15), 12/9 Cal. 

L4: KB SDLHP, Dips of a Box, DB Push Press instd. of HSPU (#15/10), 12/9 Cal.

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