WOD For 012919

Skill: OHS Mobility

Strength: Snatch Recieving Position Work

10 Minutes to work through (Pick 1 depending on ability)

3×5 Sotts Press

3×5 Tempo OHS (32X1)

3×5 PVC Pipe OHS w/ Pauses at above, just at parallel, and in bottom position (elevate heels)

Metcon: 3 Min on/3 Min Off x 4 Rounds

10 Burpee Box Jump Over (Box Facing)

20 Alt. DB Snatches


L1: BFB, 70/50, Strict HSPU

L2: BFB, 50/35, Kipping HSPU

L3: BFB x 8 (step ups allowed), 35/25, Pushups

L4: Burpees x 8, 25/15, Pushups

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