WOD for 013018

Midline for Quality:
3 Rounds (NOT FOR TIME)
25 Sit-ups
10 Lunges
10 Scap Pull-ups

Front Squat
8-6-4-2 Front Squat
*After completing, take 75% of your 4 then, 1-min AMRAP of Front Squats

4-min AMRAP
10 Sandbag Over the shoulder
7 Toes to Bar

Rest 2-minutes

4-min AMRepsAP
60 Cal Row
Remaining Time: Air Squats

L1: 150/100, Unbroken T2B, 70/64 Cal Row, Pistols
L2: 120/80, T2B, 60/54 Cal Row, Air-Squats
L3: 80/60, K2E, 50/44 Cal Row, Air-Squats
L4:25/20, Dragon Flies 40/34 Cal Row, Air-Squats

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