WOD for 020718

Aux Core: 3 Rounds for Quality
:30-second Wall Sit with 2 KB in FR Position
:20-second Double KB OH Hold
:30-second DBall Hug (Hold)
:20-second Hollow-Rock Hold

Every 2-mins for 8 Rounds
**2 Back Squats**
**Use 65-70% of 1RM (Depending on how you feel)
*Stay at the same weight through the 16-mins..

16-min EMOM
1: Row or Bike
2: 1 Round Cindy
3: Sandbag over the shoulder
4: Rest

L1: 18/15 Cal, 2 Rounds Cindy, sandbag (150/100)
L2: 15/12 Cal, 1 Round Cindy, sandbag (120/80)
L3: 12/9 Cal, 1 Round Cindy, sandbag (80/60)
L4: 10/8 Cal, 1 Round Cindy, sandbag (35/25)

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