WOD for 020919


WOD for 020919

Partner Workout!

12 mins to complete

*Each partner Completes 6 rounds (alt rounds)

-6 Alternating Pistol Squats 

15 Russian KB Swings-

*With remaining time: AMRAP Pull-ups

L1: 10 Pistols, 70/52, CTB

L2: 6 Pistols, 52/35. Pull-ups

L3: scaled pistols, 35/25, Jumping Pull-ups

L4: Goblet Squats, 26/17, Ring rows

Rest 3:00

12 mins to complete  

(Each partner completes each movement, switch when finished)

500m Row / Partner does 20 bar over burpees

100 DUs / 8 Dball Over shoulder

400m run / 15 High box jumps

L1: 750m Row, Bar facing Burpees, 150 DUs, 150/100,  20 reps Box Jumps at 30/24

L2: As written: 120 (or 100)/80, 30/24

L3: 50 attempts or 200 singles, 80/60, 10 reps of 30/24

L4: 250m Row, Burpees, 100 singles, 60/45 (or slam balls), 200m run, 24/20

Rest 3:00

6 mins to complete

50 Squat Clean Thrusters

*every 2 min on the minute everyone does 10 Russian twists (no weight/ L+R = 1) 

L1: 135/95

L2: 105/75

L3: 95/65

L4: DBs