WOD for 021218

Sumo Deadlift and Overhead Squat
*Posterior Activation

Sumo Deadlift
*Rest/Recover between sets
*Heaviest weight for each set, try and progress

4 Rounds for Time
21 Cal Row
15 Overhead Squat
12 Burpees over Bar
9 Toes to Bar

L1: 135/95, 21/18 cal row, BFB, Unbroken T2B
L2: 95/65, 21/18 cal row, BOB, T2B
L3: 75/55, 18/15 cal row, BOB, K2E
L4: Goblet Squats, 15/12 cal row, Reg. Burpees, K2E or Dragon Flies

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