WOD for 030718

Rope Climbs

Part 1: Build up to a Heavy Push Jerk for the Day
*Within 12-minutes…

Part 2: Take your heavy PJ then apply 75% of that to a Split Jerk for:
*3-3-3 (75% of your Push Jerk)

3 Rounds for Time:
30 Wall Balls
3 Rope Climbs
1 Clean and Jerk

*Goal=Sub 12mins…

L1: 20/14, Rope Climbs, 225/155
L2: 20/14, Rope Climbs, 205/145
L3: 14/12, Scaled Rope Climbs, 155/105
L4: 12/10, Scaled Rope Climbs, HEAVY DB G2OH

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