WOD for 042418

Front Rack Lunges
Romanian Deadlifts

Every 2-mins for 16-mins..
Station 1: 10 Romanian Deadlifts (+) 20 Double Unders or singles
Station 2: 10 (5/leg) Barbell Front Rack Lunges (+) 20 Double Unders or singles

–Alternate between the stations
–Pick weights for each station, RDLs should be on the lighter side

0:00-4:00 minutes
30/24 Cal Row
20 Box Jumps
15 Ab-mat Sit-ups

4:00-8:00 minutes
**Find your 5 Rep Max Deadlift

8:00-12:00 minutes
30/24 Cal Row
20 Box Jumps
15 Abmat Situps

–Pick up where you left off on the AMRAPS, 2 Scores= AMRAP (+) 5RM DL

L1: 24″/20″, 30/24 Cal. Row, GHDs
L2: 24″/20″, 30/24 Cal. Row, Abmat Situps
L3: 24″/20″ (Step-ups), 24/17 Cal. Row, Abmat Situps
L4: 20″/17, (Step-ups), 24/17 Cal. Row, Abmat Situps

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