With A Partner!!!
Against 12-minutes…6 Rounds—Trade full rounds (3) Rounds/Person
15/10 Cals on the Rower
5 Tall Box Jumps
5 Sandbag to Shoulder
L1: 120/100, 15/10, 36”/30”
L2: 100/80, 15/10, 30”/24”
L3: 80/60, 15/10, 24”/20” (Step-Ups)
L4: 35/25, 10/8, 20”/17”
*Scale to 10 Ball Slams
Rest 3 minutes
Trading Minutes for a 10-min AMRAP
25 Hang Power Snatch
100 Double Unders
25 Front Squats
100 Double Unders
100 Double Unders
Score=Rounds and Reps
L1: 115/85, DUs, 25 HSPU
L2: 95/65, DUs, 20 HSPU
L3: 75/55, 1/2 Attempts (+) 1/2 Singles, Hand Release Push-ups
L4: DB (squat, snatch), Singles, Regular Push-ups
Rest 3 minutes
Against 8 minutes
Complete 4 Rounds of Cindy then,
In remaining time: Find your 1RM Power Clean
Note: Partners are trading movements until 4 TOTAL rounds of Cindy are completed.