WOD for 050418



Front Rack and Lats




Every 2-mins for 10-mins (5 Rounds) (Both Stations within the 2-mins)


Station 1: 5 Strict Presses

Station 2: Strict Pull-ups (3 sets underhand, 2 sets Overhand;Alternate)



18 Minute AMRAP

800 Meter Run

40 Deadlifts

30 Pullups

20 S2OH

10 Ring Dips


L1: 155/105, C2B, Strict Dips

L2: 135/95, 20 C2B, Kipping Dips

L3: 95/65, Kipping Pullups, Pushups on Plates

L4:  65/45, Jumping Pullups, Pushups

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