WOD for 050518


Against 10-mins—Follow the leader…


Cal, Row 

Front Squats 

L1: 115/85

L2: 95/65

L3: 75/55

L4: Goblet Squats

(3-min Rest from the last team to finish) 

12-min AMRAP- Trading Rounds

12 Alt. DB Snatches

10 Burpees

8 T2B


(L1: T2B,Deficit HSPU (4”/2”), 50/35)

L2: T2B, HSPU, 50/35 

L3: K2E, Scaled HSPU (Off Box or Plate/Ab-mat), 35/20 

L4: Dragon Flies or V ups, Push-ups, 20/15 

(3-min Rest) 

Against 6-mins…

Divide Work as Desired:

30 Power Snatches

AMRAP: Bar Muscle Ups


L1: 155/105, Bar Muscle Ups

L2: 135/95, Bar Muscle Ups

L3:95/65, Chest to Bar Pullups

L4: 65/45, Jumping Chest to Bar

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