WOD for 050818


Power Snatch

1 Power Snatch Every 0:30s for 10-mins (65-75%)



20-min AMRAP

2 Rounds of Row/Run

20/16 Cal. Row

200m Run

Then 1 round of pull-up/snatches

10 Kipping Pull-ups

5 Hang Power Snatches


L1: 20/16 Cal Row, 200m Run, 5 Ring Muscle Ups, 135/95

L2: 20/16 Cal Row, 200m Run, 10 CTB Pull-ups, 95/65

L3: 15/12 Cal Row, 200m Run, 10 Kipping Pull-ups, 75/55

L4: 10/8 Cal Row, 200m Run, 10 Ring Rows, 10 DB Snatches

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