WOD for 051818


Rope Climbs


8-min EMOM (Alternating)

Station 1:  1-3 Rope Climbs

Station 2:  Handstand Skill (HSPU/Walking/Holds)


L1: 1-2 Legless Rope Climbs, 25ft Handstand Walk

L2: 3 Rope Climbs, HSPU (Pick a number make it challenging or make them deficit or strict)

L3: 1-2 Rope Climbs, HSPU off a box (Pick a number of challenging HSPU off a box)

L4: 6-8 Strict Ring Rows (Slow), Pick a number of challenging Push-ups




3 Rounds with a Running clock..

10 Back Squats

200m Run

(Rest 2-mins) Responsible for own rest



L1: 225/155

L2: 185/135

L3: 135/95

L4: Goblet Squats, 100m Run

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