WOD for 060419

Skill: Snatch

Strength: Snatch/Snatch Balance

EMOM x 5 – Paused Snatch Balance (light weight)

2 Paused Snatch Balances

Pause for 2 seconds in the bottom of squat.

EMOM x 5 – Pausing High Hang Snatch

 2 Paused High Hang Squat Snatches

Two pauses:

– 2s Pause in the Pockets (Power position)

– 2s Pause in the Bottom (squat)


Every 3min. x 5 Rounds:

:30 Wall Sit

10 Pull-Ups

3 Power Snatch

L1: Goblet Hold Wallsit (52/35), CTB Pull-ups, 155/105

L2: Wall Sit, 5 CTB or 10 Pull-ups, 135/85

L3: Wall Sit 5 Pull-ups or 10 Jumping Pull-ups, 95/65

L4: Wall Sit, Ring rows, DB Snatch