WOD for 061318


WOD for 061318

Gettin’ it Right (and also Tight)

3 Rounds

0:30 V-ups

0:30 Side Plank (L)

0:30 Flutter kicks

0:30 Side Plank (R)



Wendler week 1 of 4: Back Squat

5- 65%



*3rdset is performed as an AMRAP at the prescribed percentage


Conditioning: (Muscular Endurance Training)

Every 3-mins for 12-mins

20 Unbroken Wallballs

Repeatable Unbroken Set of Kipping Pullups

5 Unbroken Deadlifts


*Practicing Endurance and breathing


L1: 8-12 Chest to Bar, 30/20 WB, 275/185

L2: 5-8 Chest to Bar, 20/14 WB, 225/155

L3: 3-8 Kipping Pullups, 14/12 WB, 135/95

L4: 5-8 Ring Rows, 12/10 WB, Heavier than normal KB (KB DL)