WOD for 061618


WOD for 061618

Partner WOD!

Within 12 Minutes…

Using the format below… complete:

“150 Wallballs for Time”

Partner 1:

1 Round of Cindy (5/10/15)

Remaining Time after “Cindy”= Wallballs

Partner 2:

200 Meter Single Arm DB Farmer’s Carry (Switch arms at the 100m mark)

*Before Partner 1 can start accumulating wall balls they must complete 1 Round of “Cindy”
-Round of Cindy= 5 Pullups, 10 Pushups, 15 Airsquats

*Partners will switch roles when the Farmers Carry is completed (you must stop doing wall balls when your partner comes in the door!)

L1: 2 Rounds of Cindy, (70/50)(20/14)

L2: 1 Round of Cindy, (50/35)(20/14)

L3: 1 Round of Cindy, (35/25)(14/10)

L4: 1 Round w/ Ring Rows, Mod. Pushups (25/20) (10/8)

 Score = Time of Completion or Number of Wallballs @ 12:00 mark

-Rest 5 min-

For Time (20 Minute Cap)

Run 400 Meters*

60 Deadlifts (165/115)

Run 400 Meters*

60 DB Box Step Overs (20 inches for all)(35/25)

Run 400 Meters*

60 Toes to Bar

Run 400 Meters

30 Squat Clean Thrusters (115/80)

*Both Partners run together, then split work anyhow


L1: (185/135)(50/35)(135/95), T2B

L2:( 165/115) (35/25)(115/80), T2B

L3: (135/95)(25/20)(75/55), V Ups

L4: DB DL, Step Up, Situps, Goblet Squats