WOD for 061719

Skill: Dip/Pullup

Strength: SSPT Re Test

Option A:

Establish Max Rep Set Pullup/Dip

Option B

Establish 1 Rep Max Weighted Pullup/Dip


AMRAP Intervals: (4:00 work/2:00 Rest) (x) 3 Rounds 

 12 Power Snatch 

6 OHS 

12  Bar Over Burpee

6 CTB 

*Pick up where you left off* 

**If you dont have OHS– scale to Front squats**

L1: 115/85, CTB, BFB 

L2: 95/65, CTB, BOB 

L3: 75/55, Kipping Pull-ups, BOB

L4: DB Snatches, Ring Rows, Reg. Burpees, Goblet Squats

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