WOD for 073119

Skill: Double Unders 

Strength: Clean Complex

Every (3-mins) for 5 Sets 

2 High Hang Power Cleans 

2 Hang Power Cleans 

2 Power Cleans 

*Feel free to keep the weight the same or increase, do not EXCEED 80%*


Against (13)-mins…7 Rounds For Time 

5 Hang Power Cleans 

5 Bar Over Burpees 

30 Double Unders

Comp: 185/135, Lateral Burpees, 50 Double Unders

Fitness: 135/95, Lat. Burpees, 30 Double Unders

GPP: 95/65, Step over Burpees, 50 Singles

Health: 10 KBS, 5 Burpees, 20 Plate Hops

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