Segment 1:
EMOM 5 minutes:
2 Hang Snatches (hip position)
Rest 1:00
EMOM 5 minutes –
2 Hang Snatches (below knee)
Rest 1:00
EMOM 5 minutes –
1 Snatch (from the floor)
Segment 2:
On the 0:00 – 5 Back Squats
On the 2:00 – 4 Back Squats
On the 4:00 – 3 Back Squats
On the 6:00 – 2 Back Squats
On the 8:00 – 1 Back Squat
Add weight each round
Segment 3:
1,000m Run
40 Pullups
30 Thrusters (45/35)
20 Burpees
Scale to finish in under 15 minutes
Endurance (7:30pm):
EMOM 10 minutes:
200m Run
rest 5 minutes
EMOM 10 minutes:
200m Run