WOD for 081618

Skill: Review the Stations

Strength: 9-min EMOM 

Station 1:  0:45 Sec Wall Sit (Scale up to KB FR Hold)

Station 2: 10 DB RDL’s 

Station 3: 12 (6/side) Front Foot Elevated Split Squats (DB Loaded at Sides)


Link for Front Foot Elevated Split Squats:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72Yzbn5bywY


Metcon: Every (6)-mins for (24)-mins…

Run 400 Meters

Row 500 Meters

20 BW Walking Lunges


*Goal is to move consistently through each set without ever really needing to take a break

*Conversational Pace


L1: Row 600, Run 400

L2: Row 500, Run 400

L3: Row 350, Run 300 Meters

L4: Row 300, Run 200, 15 Air-squats

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